layout | go, sophie, go! (and some exciting news)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Go. My parents used to say it was my middle name- Melissa Go. And as an adult I still find it hard to sit still (I will literally walk laps around the floor of my office building in the middle of the day). I love my home, but I love to travel and adventure, too- put me on a plane to somewhere fun, and I'm the happiest of happy campers.


Today I excitedly confirmed travel plans for an entirely new adventure- I'm going to CHA Summer!!!! Yup, little me has the opportunity to cover CHA as press for Scrapbook Update. No longer will I be a spectator with my nose pressed up against the virtual glass- I'll get to see it all in person!! I'm already hatching evil (in the cutest sense of the word) little plots about how I can best cover everything so that you guys can follow along with the whole experience. Watch this space and my Twitter feed as we get closer to show time for more details (and I'll definitely be asking you for input!).


Now, on to another girl in my family who seems to have the go gene- my adorbz nieceling, miss Sophie Clare. This li'l chica is crawling and cruising like crazy these days and is loads of fun to watch!!


Supplies | Patterned Paper: My Mind's Eye (Lime Twist), Fancy Pants; Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper (Avalanche); Metal Sign: Making Memories; Letter Stickers: Studio Calico (yellow), American Crafts (blue); Buttons: Papertrey Ink; Cabachons: Etsy; Tape: Hambly Screen Prints; Punch: Martha Stewart Crafts; Date Stamp: Office Supply; Pen: Zig Millenium

Speaking of loads of fun, how awesome is this color palette from The Sweetest Occasion? It had just the perfect hues to pair up with this photo. Throw in a great sketch from Studio Calico, and half the work for the layout was already done!

Do any of you have any favorite go-to sites for color inspiration? Feel free to share in the comments!
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