This weekend I...
Worked on putting the bedroom together (finally!) so I can get my craft room set up. All of the bedroom stuff had previously been in the craft room while I worked on the flooring and painting in the bedroom. The plan had been to wait until the floors were refinished to put everything together, but it may be a while before that happens and I'm tired of living in a construction zone, so I decided just to go ahead and do it for my own sanity. :)
Just as a quick reminder,
here's a post that shows what this room used to look like.
And here's what it looked like Saturday morning when I dove into the project. There were still some pieces of tack strip left, plus about a zillion little carpet staples that I pulled up.
This was the only really icky part, and it wasn't so bad. There was a layer of grime over the wood from years of being under carpet and padding. I used a microfiber mop and Murphy's Oil Soap to clean it. It took 4 passes (you can see the mop head from each pass...the first is on the bottom) and a trip to Target to get a couple more of the replacement heads- good thing these are washable!
Starting to move the furniture in. The room is small, so the bed takes up a big portion of the floor space. I put it on 7" risers, but since the bed is supported by the frame underneath and not the headboard/footboard, it looks like the legs are floating in mid-air. I'll have to figure out something to do about that.
And here it is with all the furniture in. I put new curtains on the wardrobes after I finally settled on a set from Target's Simply Shabby Chic line (after waaaaay too many trips to the store and web site to see which ones I wanted). The curtains and curtain rods over the window are from the living room at my old house. The rods are from Target, and the curtains are just plain white cotton tablecloths hung with clip rings.
I ended up not using this rug- I bought it at Anthropologie and it's beautiful, but it simply doesn't work in here so I returned it. I think I need to find something much more neutral so it won't clash with the quilt. Speaking of the quilt, it and the sheets were a Christmas gift from Mom and Dad last year. This is the first time I've used them, and I just love them!
Got the first coat of paint on the scrap room walls. I still have another coat plus pulling up staples and cleaning the floors like I did in the bedroom, but it's a lot better than it was.
Watched an episode each of Burn Notice (via Hulu) and Stargate: Atlantis (Season 5 DVD)
Downloaded the September digital editions of Scrapbook Trends publications, including the new Holidays idea book.

I love being able to download the new issues as soon as they are available- no waiting for them to come in the mail or trying to find a place to store them later. I've taken to scanning in most of my magazines when they arrive anyway, so this just eliminates that step for me.
On a sort of related note, several members of the now out-of-publication Simple Scrapbooks Magazine editorial board have formed a new company-
Ella Publishing. They are going to bring the same professional content and editing talent to digital publications that can be downloaded. I'm pretty excited to see what they come up with.
Found a few more pics of the new BasicGrey releases that I wanted to post here. :)