layout | huntsville botanical gardens

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


One of the reasons I fell madly in love with Studio Calico kits again was the exclusive papers. Actually, let me clarify that- the exclusive Sassafras papers. Sassafras was one of those companies that I just adored, bought everything they produced, and made tons of layouts with it. I simply loved them. And then they went out of business. ::sniffle::

I was so, so happy to hear that Sassafras was back at it (in a more limited capacity), designing fabulous new papers and embellishments for Studio Calico! They collaborated on both the Take Note and Abroad collections from last CHA, and they usually have a paper or two in each monthly kit, as well.


The woodgrain paper in the layout above? It's Sassafras, baby! And I love it to bits! So much so that I used it as my layout background to preserve its wood-grainy goodness.


The framework for this layout is based on one of the sketches in Kelly Purkey's recent Sketchbook 4 class (also at Studio Calico), and and got the idea for the stitched circles from Marcy Penner's fabulous layout here.


All the supplies on this page are from the Studio Calico April kit, add-ons, and shop items, but I've linked up individual items that I've found elsewhere below. You'll only find the Sassafras paper (and some pretty awesome Studio Calico designs, too) in the April kit, though!

Supplies (click on images for product links):

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