sweet peach crop shop | independence day color challenge
Monday, July 4, 2011
Good morning, and happy Independence Day to everyone! I hope you've got some great stuff planned for the day. I've already celebrated half of mine- my hometown had its annual 5K and fireworks display on Saturday, so I ran (27:23- a personal best!) and photographed fireworks with my parents then. Tonight Huntsville is having its fireworks, and Darren and I will trek out with camera and tripod in tow to get even more photos. I love this time of year!
Today I also have a color challenge posted over at the Sweet Peach Crop Shop blog (you can get a peek at the challenge palette in this layout about last year's fireworks photography expedition). If you want to get in on the challenge (and a chance to win a Sweet Peach gift certificate) head on over to their blog for all the details. You don't have to be a subscriber or even use their kits to enter, so it's a totally no-strings-attached kind of deal!
Happy Fourth to everyone, and please take a moment to remember our troops today.