scrapbook update/scrappy favorites | baker's twine

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My newest article at Scrapbook Update is all about colored string. Seriously!! Baker's twine is a hot trend right now and also a personal favorite staple in my scrapbooking. I had originally intended to write it up as part of my Scrappy Favorites series, but after seeing all the awesome twine at CHA I decided to write a full-length piece for Scrapbook Update instead!

Here's a peek at just two of the many cards I made for the article. These happen to use the Doodle Twine pictured above (along with papers from Bella Blvd's Too Cute To Spook and Christmas Wishes lines), but there are soooo many other manufacturers making so many varieties of this awesome product, and I'll be happy to tell you all about them if you hop over to Scrapbook Update!


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