Any event with Beth and Jon now also means that we all get a chance to see miss Sophie again.
She's learning to high-five pretty well now! And she totally loves my Dad.
And of course my Mom. :)
She basically got passed around to everyone so we could oooh and aaaah over her.
And in the middle of all the baby-sharing, we set up tables for food and started grilling. It was really windy, though, so Dad and Jon moved the grill up to the porch so it wouldn't blow out.
I was so happy that my aunt Tina came, too!!
And my sweet cousin, Michelle.
How about more Sophie? She's teething, so she noms on everything in site.
Speaking of noms, we had lots of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.
I think that Dad passed on the grill-master genes to my brother, because he did a great job cooking!
My aunt Lina also came (yay!!) and brought the cutest Garanimals
L'il bugs took to Linda instantly!!
Beth's family also came to visit- we haven't all been together in a long time! This is one of Beth's grandmothers with my Mom.
And Beth's other grandmother with Sophie.
And Beth's mom, Ellen.
Someone (maybe Ellen? I don't remember) brought Sophie her first Easter basket, so we all went nuts taking photos of her playing with it (mostly I think she wanted to eat the plastic grass!!).
She proceeded to dump out the entire contents...
...which gave me the perfect opportunity for a cute baby foot shot.
Linda snapped this photo with her phone- everyone thought it was hilarious that I was laying in the grass to take photos.
I couldn't resist a close-up of the eggs.
And also of my brother's shirt. I have to get one of these!!
Lunch was served buffet style...
...and most everyone brought something to share. Mom made some of the best salsa I've ever had (and I'm totally not a salsa person!!)...
...and you can almost always count on my Grandmom to bring deviled eggs.
Back to Sophie, who decided she wanted Dad's hat.
So he gave it to her. :)
And then it was time for Beth to open presents. It was her party, after all. :)
That didn't stop me from taking more photos of Sophie, though!
And then going back to Beth for a little while...
...and back to Sophie. :)
Both families chipped in and bought Beth a really, really nice sewing machine. She loves to quilt, and her old one has been driving her bonkers.
There was one last shot I had to get as everyone was packing up to leave...Michelle got her first car earlier this year, and it's a del Sol like mine!! Hers is a year newer and black (mine's the blue one), but we still say we're "car twins."
And here we are with them. :) I've had mine for almost nine years now!!!
And then it was time to drive back home.
I almost didn't go up for the party because things have been so crazy at home, but I decided to at almost the last minute (9pm the night before) and I'm so glad I did!!