I seem to be forgetting a lot of things the last couple of days. Or maybe just last night. And maybe just two things (but they were important). The first thing I forgot was to put my cell phone on the bookshelf next to my bed (it's my alarm), so I slept straight through BodyPump this morning (which makes me grouchy). And the second thing I forgot last night was to post this layout, so you'll be getting two posts today!
My excuse for forgetting things? I got so darned excited last night about the next Scrapbook Update article that I'm writing- there are Stormtroopers on the accompanying layout!
But this particular page? No Stormtroopers, just me running in the rain and several other assorted things that happened during April 2010. This layout is part of my Project 12 (if you don't know what that is, go here) for last year- the year I'm still playing catch-up on.
I also have a confession to make- I'm still having a really hard time with the two-page, multi-photo layouts that have been the main staple of my scrapbooking for almost three years now. I feel major changes in my process and pages coming on...but more on that later when I have time to write about it.
But one thing I am still loving? These little banners! It seems that once I made my first one, I couldn't stop making them! This one is from the Fancy Pants "It's the Little Things" chipboard
I'll have another layout up tonight, and hopefully next week I'll be able to post more about the scrapbooking style reboot that's been going on around here!