my first digital layout

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ever since I installed a new Blogger template (thanks to the lovely Katrina at Powered by Pastries), I'm kinda digging the whole "everything in lower case" vibe- at least for titles and headers. Her template even has the text in my Twitter feed converted to lower case- no idea how that happened, but I kinda like it!!

So, henceforth (or until I get tired of it), all blog post titles will be in lower case.

I'm still blogging from Sam's Club, but luckily I'd stockpiled some layouts over the last few weeks to share (they're even photographed and ready to be linked up here!), so I'll be bring those to you over the next few days until power is restored.

I'd like to share one of those pages today- my first all-digital layout!!


I've done digital projects before (like this summer photo book last Christmas), but this was my first time starting with a blank canvas and building from scratch. I totally dug every part of the process except the drop shadows (I think I'll get faster at them as time goes on, though).

I used a couple of kits on this layout- Sorriso by Paisless Press and Nostalgia by Jen Allyson- and the stitching is by Anna Aspnes (received in a kit from Ali Edward's Yesterday and Today class). I'm really used to mixing up supplies from different lines on my paper layouts, so I guess I carried that right over to digital, too.

One big strike against digital scrapbooking? I can't do it while the power is out unless I pull out my laptop (and Photoshop is a huge drain on the battery)!! I'm looking forward to getting back to it in a few days, though. :)
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