Wow, so this particular Project 12 layout? I have no idea what happened, but it absolutely would not come together for me.
I don't know what it was- I had trouble with the colors, with the element placement (oh, geez, did I ever have trouble with the element placement)- and I was even using a sketch!!! Nothing would work!! Not even my trusty April Counterfeit Kit could pull me out of this one, even though it's made some layouts super easy this month.
So, in the end I decided that instead of spending hours trying to get it just right, it was probably better left alone. And, actually? I'm kinda starting to like it now. I guess you have to take a deep breath and step back from some layouts for a while before you feel better about them.
I did totally love using more of my Fancy Pants "It's The Little Things
And, really, I think it was just this corner of the layout that really gave me fits- I just didn't know what to put here!! I probably should have just left the block of paper blank, but it's done now.
So, I'm curious- what do you guys do when you have trouble with a layout? Tear it up and start over? Live with it? Send silent prayers to the Heavens that it will magically work itself out? Give a girl a hint, please!!!