Instead, I'll just show you the treasure trove of Making Memories Vintage Findings stuff I bought at Michaels for a whopping 80% off. Yup, you read that right, the big eight-zero. The last time I got a deal this good at M's was when I found BasicGrey Sugared and Archaic paper, stamps, and embellishments at 90% off (I was so excited over those $2 paper pads).
And what good is a bragging post without pictures?!? Check this stuff out! All these mini kits were 79 cents each. I got several of each- I thought that at the very least they'd be great for the next round (or three) of cupcake toppers I make.
This lovely "Baby" themed page kit was only $1.99. I usually bypass the baby stuff, but since my brother and his wife recently announced that they're expecting their first little bean next July, I thought it might come in handy. The medium sized kits below were a whole $1.39 each.
I was quite excited to find vintage-y flowers in the package for 59 cents, along with labels and the sheets of metallic embellishments at the same price. The little bits of hardware, tiny circle tags, and word stickers were only 39 cents a package. I think that the binder rings are one of my favorite finds from this shopping trip- they have a nice aged look to them, unlike the shiny new ones I buy at the office supply store.
And now the happy shopper is retiring from purchasing until at least after Christmas. It's time to settle in and work on my December Daily/Journal Your Christmas album. I'll be posting the first half of my foundation pages from that tomorrow. I imagine that completed pages will come grouped several to a post once or twice a week as I have time to photograph them.