Showering Beth: Part 2

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Howdy, and welcome back for part 2 of Beth's baby shower photos (if you missed part 1, check here). Today I'll be sharing photos of the party that my family gave her in mid-May.

For me, the preparation started weeks in advance, and I've been documenting a lot of it on the blog. The night before the shower I went to my aunt and uncle's house (they have a fab kitchen) to back cupcakes. My cousin Michelle helped me and learned to use a frosting bag in the process. :)

The morning of the shower I dragged myself woke up early and loaded up the 4Runner. I had the room starting at 9am (we rented a room at the church), and with the shower starting at 11 we were on a tight schedule to get things done.

I knew there was a reason I needed an SUV for this party...the thing was packed!! And this photo was taken before we added the ladder. Yes, I throw parties that require ladders.

I picked up Michelle at 8:30 am, and we headed straight for Party City to pick up my balloon order (6 kiwi and 6 purple). So now not only was the 4Runner completely loaded, but I was having a hard time seeing out of the back.

Luckily it wasn't a long drive to the church, where we unloaded (I had a ton of help- they all met me there) and started setting up. Michelle did a fantastic job putting the cupcake tower together and then getting all the candies unpacked.

And we both did a fair amount of crawling under tables to secure the balloons...

..while Dad hung tissue paper flowers from the ceiling (hence the need for a ladder)...

..and my aunt Linda waffled on whether or not she wanted her photo taken. You can see what she finally decided. :)

I was so tickled with how the dessert buffet looked when it was completed!


I love doing these cupcake towers so much that I've kind of opened my own business for them- I've already booked a birthday party in July!!

This was my first (and probably last) time to make cake pops. I loved the way they looked, but they were such a pain!

Each guest received a small favor bag that they could fill with candy and sweets as they left the party. I printed Sophie's name and due date on labels and adhered them to the bags along with a punched shape to dress them up.

And we had tons and tons of food, as well. My aunt Linda, cousin Donna, and my aunt Tina all brought food and helped set up. I totally could not have done it without them.

This is the room all set up and ready to go- with 20 minutes to spare before party time! It gave me a chance to get the tripod out and take some decent photos of everything.

And, of course, miss Beth received many more adorable gifts. Isn't she just cute in that shirt? :)


Now that the showers are over, Beth and Jon are busy putting the nursery together (along with gifts, they received lots of gift cards). I tried talking them into a Star Wars mobile over the crib, but Classic Pooh won out. :)
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