Review: Design Workshop by Ella Publishing

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Note: I am not being paid or sponsored by Ella Publishing to write this review- I simply love their books! Also, all images in this post are courtesy of the Ella Publishing web site.

I recently picked up the latest eBook from Ella Publishing- Design Workshop. Written by graphic artist and often-published scrapbooker Lisa Dickinson, the book covers a variety of design principles and techniques that will enhance almost any scrapbook layout.


Warning: I intended this to be a review, but I think it's going to be one big gush-fest because I really love this book!

Design Workshop is 26 pages in length and contains 22 layouts by the author. As with all Ella books, the format was created by the fabulous Cathy Zielske and benefits from her mad graphic design skills. The book is available for $5.99 as a PDF download and looks incredible on both a PC (well, a Mac) and the iPad (I use the 99 cent Goodreader app to view PDF files).


Design Workshop presents 10 sections of design principles ranging from using a grid to enhance your layout to clustering embellishments. One of the things that struck me right away about the presentation of each section is how accessible Lisa makes each "lesson." Her writing style is conversational and not overly technical, and each principle is accompanied by at least two supporting layouts and notes as to exactly why each layout works based on the given principle.


The layouts themselves are stunning, and I found myself immediately getting into that "gotta go scrap NOW" mode. I really appreciate that Lisa included all types of layouts in her book- both multi and single photo, one and two page, and covering a variety of subjects. Even without the (awesome) design instruction, this book would be wonderful simply for its layout ideas.


While the book is already inexpensive at $5.99, Ella is currently offering $2 off any of their books when you use the code STUDIOCALICO. This is one book I would recommend that any scrapper snap up and read ASAP!

Speaking of Studio Calico, the next Ella book (available later this month) features layouts from their design team. I can't wait!
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