Geek Girl: Star Wars Stuff Is Everywhere!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It seems that Star Wars related stuff is everywhere I look lately, and lots of it is totally cool. :)


Before I get started, let's recap with this quick Lego video. It explains the entire Star Wars trilogy in under 3 minutes, and I can't think of anything that's been left out!

And now for some wacky, insane Star Wars merchandise ideas (that are all real- I can't make this stuff up, people!).

Coming soon to a GPS near you- Star Wars voices. How about Vader on your Tom-Tom? He finds your lack of direction disturbing...

For those who have mad Jedi culinary skills, we have cookie cutters and pancake molds from Williams Sonoma. I have to confess that I bought these, even though I lack the aforementioned cooking skills. They just make me look good.

If you want to bring up your little Padawan in style, you might consider decking out the nursery in Star Wars, like this one featured on Oh Dee Doh. It looks like someone had some serious fun with a Pottery Barn Star Wars sheet set. The mobile is just genius!

Fashion-conscious sci-fi fangirls will be pleased with Ashley Eckstein's upcoming women's clothing line, "Her Universe."Yeah, I'm totally going to have to get that purple Star Wars tee.

In the vintage merchandise category, we have this too-cool-for-words Scout Walker play tower. C'mon, admit it- you totally wish you'd had one of these when you were a kid. I'll even admit that I wish I had one now!

If handmade merchandise is more your thing, then look no further than Etsy. I love these Christmas cards!



Moving on from the merchandise (because I don't think you can buy Nathan Fillion...can you?), here is a hilarious video in which the former Captain Malcolm Reynolds talks about his deep and abiding love of toy lightsabers.

Ohhhh, wouldn't you just love to have him as a sidekick?!?!

Speaking of sidekicks, Cookie Monster makes a pretty good one, too.

That's all my geeking out for now. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with some scrappy stuff!
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