Tuesday Morning Deals and Michaels Clearance

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday Morning has some pretty good deals right now, even though their big Tuesday sale isn't until next week. I dropped by my local store on Memorial Day and nearly let out a little squeeeee!! right there in the aisle when I found these Jenni Bowlin page kits.

They were $2.99 each and have three sheets each of 12 different papers, a sheet of big alphas, a couple of bingo cards, and some other little odds and ends. What an awesome deal! I picked up both the red/black and blue/green sets.

I don't know if this Love, Elsie stuff from KI Memories is new or just some that I didn't find the last time I loaded up on it, but all these super cute sets were $2.99 each!

I also found some great clear stamps from KI Memories for $1.99 each. They had more sets than this, but I just picked up the date and baby sets. I'm sure they'll get some use since I'm going to have a new little niece in about 6 weeks!

I also stopped at Michael's (hey, with a 15% off my entire purchase coupon, including sale items, can you blame me?) and found that about half of the Handmade line from K&Company was on clearance. I picked up a few things including this paper pad (love the purples and greens in it)...

...and these super cool embellishments. I especially love the acetate die cuts.

And then I got this stuff. It wasn't on clearance, but it was on sale and I could stack my 15% coupon with it. I'd been looking for those Martha Stewart doily labels for a while.

I've heard rumor that there isn't any scrapbooking stuff in the upcoming Tuesday Morning sale. I'm kind of on the fence about that- on the one hand it's really good for my budget, but on the other hand I really do enjoy my monthly fix of cheap scrapbooking goodies!
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