Summer Scrapping Boot Camp

Monday, June 14, 2010

I have decided that this summer is going to be a scrapbooking summer. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to spend plenty of time outside kayaking and attempting to be a gardener (but not at the same time), and it doesn't mean that I'm going to quit my job and scrapbook full time (if only!).

What it does mean is this- I have way too many unfinished projects, too many projects that I want to start but haven't, and too many cool online classes that I want to take. I don't make enough time for scrapbooking, and this time last year all my stash was packed away while we were mid-move and I wasn't able to scrapbook at all. That's almost over (we close and sell our old house in about two weeks), and it's time for me to come back to something I enjoy.

So, I'm planning my very own scrapping boot camp!! The camp will consist of three parts.

The first part is an online class. Or two. I had originally planned on doing just one- May Flaum's Camp Scrap on Big Picture Scrapbooking...

...but then today Shimelle announced her summer online class and I had to sign up. I always love her classes, and right now you can sign up for $6 less than the regular class fee. I kept repeating to myself "I do not need to take two classes, I do not need to take two classes" but somehow I managed to enroll anyway. I have a hard time finding classes at my LSS that I like, so online classes are a staple for me.

Part two of the boot camp has to do with unfinished projects. I'm not going to set some unrealistic goal like actually finishing them all by the end of the summer, but I do plan to spend at least 15 minutes a day on them. If that 15 minutes is all I do for the day, then that's great- it's more than I usually spend on them and some things will get done (starting with my Week in the Life album that's still not finished).

Part three is something special to get me back into the photography groove. Ever since Week in the Life ended I've barely picked up the camera, which is very unlike me. I plan to make a summer mini album similar to this one by Elise Blaha and fill it with photos of my summer days. Hopefully it will give me a little jump start and I'll start taking pictures again.

So, those are my summer scrapbooking plans. Does anyone want to join me in working on unfinished projects or taking an online class? If there is enough interest then I would love to do a weekly linkup post here on the blog to show off what everyone else is getting done during the summer months. Leave a comment and let me know!
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