Please Pardon the Mess!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yes, I'm messing with the blog again! :) I decided it was time to trim things up and make it a little less cluttered.

You may have noticed that the Labels and Blog Archive widgets have disappeared from the main page. I decided to move them to their own page here. They're also accessible via the Blog Archive link in the navigation bar right under my blog banner. Removing all that text left a little breathing room. :)

In the coming days (weeks?) I'll be adding buttons to the left hand side that link directly to major categories and special projects. The right hand side will continue to contain stuff related to whatever I'm interested in or happen to like at the moment. I plan to try to get blinkies of a uniform size and use them to replace the long list of text links to blogs that used to reside on that side, as well. The name of the game here is declutter and simplify.

The biggest change is the most exciting for me- I bought my own domain name!! You can now access this blog via The old blogspot address will still work and should automatically redirect you to the new domain. Eventually I may grow the site such that the blog is only a part of it- that remains to be seen and will depend on how much time I have and whether or not my business grows such that it's needed.

If you notice anything amiss or broken, please leave a comment here and let me know so I can clean it up. I think I've caught everything, but something could have slipped through the cracks.

Thank you!
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