Project 12 - February 2010

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm cruising right along now with my Project 12 layouts from last year. February's came together fairly quickly and is filled with tons of pink (not a color I normally use).

Project 12 February 2010.jpg

One of the fun things I'm discovering about these pages is that they give me a chance to use some very theme-y product that I don't normally pull out.


Take all these hearts, for example. I have a 12x12 box full of Valentine, love, and wedding themed product that doesn't get pulled out very often, and these chipboard pieces were sitting in it just waiting to be used.



Normally that kind of stuff only gets used when I'm making cards since I just don't have a lot of photos that call for such items- not that it stops me from collecting them. :) When I find an entire box of K and Company glittered chipboard hearts at Tuesday Morning for 99 cents, you just know that it's going to come home with me.


March's layout is already well underway and will feature the Lucky Me line from Little Yellow Bicycle. For this girl whose birthday is on St. Patrick's Day, that paper was a dream come true!!
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