Does anyone else have a drawer or basket or box or chest full of unfinished projects like these?
This is the St. Patrick's Day quilt I started last July (that is, July of 2008)! I would love to get it together before March.
I can't even remember when I started this 9 patch quilt. I remember that I did it to use up a bunch of extra blocks I had, thus the random pattern pairings. :)
You can't see it, but underneath the 9 patch is a pile of pillowcases that Mom cut out for me after my second knee surgery in October. That's what I'm sewing today (the pillowcases, not my knee).
And then there is this pile of miscellaneous fabric. I found the penguin fabric while I was organizing the Christmas stuff in the attic. I'm hoping there's enough there to make a couple more pillowcases!
So, what about you? Any unfinished projects in your craft space? Care to share? If you post to your blog, please share your link with me so I can see. :)