confessions of a counterfeiting addict

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I just couldn't help it. As soon as I got a peek at the Studio Calico kits for May, I knew I just had to counterfeit them! I always fall in love with the great selection of color, patterns, and embellishments in their kits, and I think I'm not alone since they seem to sell out every month!

This month's kit is called Lawn Party and has an awesome palette of earthy (but not drab) oranges, greens, and browns. Here's a peek at the original kit:

And my counterfeit of it:


I always seem to add more embellishments than the original kit has, but I like to have a variety to choose from in my kits. Most of the time now when I'm scrapping I just grab one of my kits and go to town with it, and it's nice to not have to pull everything out every time I want to make a page. This way I'm only pulling everything out when I'm making kits (and, boy, does my scrap room turn into a major mess when I'm making one!).

 I also counterfeited the four add-on kits, starting with Paper Lanterns (how incredibly sweet is that name?!?!). Here's Studio Calico's original:

And my version:


It turns out that I actually had three of the sheets of paper and the letter stickers from this kit already in my stash. It was so easy to put together that it almost felt like cheating!!

Pink Lemonade is a sweet, feminine add-on with lots of pink in it. I'm not really a sweet, feminine, pink-ish sort of person, but I copied it anyway thinking I could scrap some photos of my niece. If not, it all came from my stash and can go right back into it without costing me a dime.

The Studio Calico kit:

And my copy:


I added some of the Making Memories Vintage finding packets that I found on clearance at Michaels quite a while back. They fit in perfectly with the look and feel of this add-on.

Are you seeing a common theme with my letter stickers? Almost none of them are full sheets and have been used on layouts prior to being added to these kits. There's absolutely nothing wrong with pulling half-used packs of stuff out of your stash to use in your kits- you might even finish using it up that way!

Rope Swing was the most difficult for me to counterfeit- for some reason the blue/pink color scheme and that heavily patterned piece of paper on the top right gave me trouble.

Here's the original add-on:

And my take on it:


I think I drifted more toward the blue with this one than the original did, but it has the same feel to me. I'm normally not going for a perfect match, anyway, so it's all good.

The Clear Skies add-on brings some punchy reds and yellows into the mix, as you can see in the original Studio Calico kit:

And also in my lift of it:


I pulled in some cute umbrellas and clouds just for fun, and I discovered that I actually had the sheet of Crate Paper border stickers from the original kit already in my stash!

If you're wondering why I'm so crazy for kits lately, it's because they've become a very important part of the scrapbooking process changes that have come along as a result of my Style Reboot. In a later post I'll cover those changes in more detail and show exactly how all of these kits fit into the big picture.

See you then!
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