in which i can finally talk about the book!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Some secrets are easy to keep, and then there are some that bounce around inside of you, just bursting to come out. Today I get to finally tell one of those secrets!!!

Last December May Flaum contacted me and asked if I'd like to be part of a book she was putting together for F+W publishing.


In a book.

I remember clearly that I was sitting in my cubicle at work when the email came in, and I seriously think I looked behind me to make sure that she wasn't actually talking to someone else.


I gathered my wits about me and quickly replied with a, "heck, yeah!!!!" before she could change her mind.

And that, my friends, is the story of how I now have two layouts and a step-by-step technique being published in this book.

May emailed all the contributors yesterday to let us know that the book is on Amazon now (it's a preorder and should ship in August) and that it was okay to finally talk about it. And Oh.My.Gosh are there some amazing contributors in here!! I know of just a few of the names, and I have to say that I'm truly honored to be included with this fantastic group.

May will be giving more information on the other contributors in the coming months, so be sure to subscribe to her blog to get all the juicy details!
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