How Not To Work On Your Birthday

Friday, March 18, 2011

On my birthday in 2009 I was smack in the middle of a huge piece of demonstration software that we were spending 14 hours a day working on from January until April. I spent most of my birthday that year in a conference room. Last year, in 2010, I was at work with a much lighter load, but somehow I still ended up in that same conference room, on my birthday, and since I was presenting there was no way out of it.


This year I decided to take it easy and take the day off work, so instead of sitting in a conference room my day went a little like this:

5:10 am- out of bed and dressed in time to make it to a 5:30am BodyPump (warning- the site that links to has music) class at the gym. I hadn't been to one of these in about ten days because of work travel and being sick, and I missed it!!

6:45- back home, grab a quick shower and breakfast, write a blog post, then switch the camera to the macro lens before running out to take cherry blossom photos.


I don't know who told these guys that they could start popping out now- they're at least a week early! There are still a lot left to bloom, though, so I'll be taking photos lots of mornings for the next couple of weeks.


Several blooms had already fallen off the trees- this one was resting on the sidewalk (yup, that's what concrete looks like through a macro lens).


8:30- back home again for just a few minutes to drop off the camera and grab the GPS so I can go to the courthouse. I had a little piece of paperwork to pick up that I've been waiting on for quite a while. Let's just say that Darren won't worry about me making solo Craigslist purchase pickups any more. :)

I don't remember exactly what time I got back home after that, only that I worked on a small upgrade project in the scrap room (that I'll be blogging about this weekend) until I went out for lunch at Brickhouse.

After lunch I played in the scrap room and cleaned the house a bit (nothing major) before deciding to head into the back yard and assemble the outdoor furniture for the summer. It was a GORGEOUS 75ish degree day here today- totally sunny without a cloud in the sky!! So I pulled the cushions and canopy for my beloved outdoor daybed out of the storage shed, and after it was all together I spent some time reading in it.

That didn't last long, though, before I got the urge to go to Michael's to buy a Martha Stewart button punch. While I was there, I ran across a set of K&Company paper that I'd really, really been wanting but couldn't find anywhere- the Sweet Nectar line.

The covers of these paper packs really don't do them justice, so I photographed a few sheets.


I just love, love, love the bright colors!!


And map paper!! I'm obsessed with maps lately.



I finished cleaning the living room after I returned home, and Darren got home shortly after that and started making cupcakes for me!!


I played in the scrap room while he baked cupcakes, made a card, and wrapped my gift, and then, right before we were supposed to leave for dinner, this news came out!!

So I quickly sent the news out to a few people in email, posted about it here on the blog, and also put it out on Twitter. Then we left for sushi. :)

Before dinner I got to open my gifts- Darren always does something different for wrapping. This year it was index cards and leopard print tape. :)



And in that package was this:


!!!! It's a pasta attachment for my KitchenAid mixer. I've wanted one for quite a while!!

He also gave me a cookbook and one other gift that I still have to pick out...let's just say now he really, really won't worry about me when I make solo Craigslist purchase pickups!

And then, of course, there was sushi. :)


Back home (geez, I sound like I was on a bungee cord all day!!) I shot of some emails, responded to some tweets, and talked to Mom and Dad on the phone for a bit. Then we settled in to watch Iron Man (from Netflix).

Oh, and the cupcakes? They finally got frosted around midnight. Better late than never!! :)


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