Ah, well, at least I still have a Project Life spread to share today, right? And with a crop coming up on Friday night, I'm motivated to get at least some photos printed before the end of the week- I usually get several weeks done at one crop!
This week included part two of our anniversary weekend, where we went hiking at Stephen's gap. In amidst the everyday stuff there are also prom photos of my niece, lettuce from the garden in our backyard, a random turtle by the lake outside my office, lunches/dinners out (with Groupons- woohoo!), and, of course, crafty time.
I also included one insert this week to highlight some of my favorite photos from the hiking trip. I'm finding that I really like my inserts to be photo-focused and not so scrappy/frilly as the weekly spreads.
We're already more than halfway through 2012, and though I'm not quite halfway through my Project Life book (I'm scrapped up to Week 22 right now), I'm still amazed at how well I've kept up with it this time around. This is about the time last year when I just gave up on doing it photo-a-day style, and it wasn't until the November/December timeframe that I picked it up again and rebooted it to the more scrappy style I was seeing among many other Project Lifers. There are still many unfinished weeks in 2011, though I have been going back and getting those photos edited, printed, and scrapped as I have time, and I still plan on doing more of those unfinished weeks in the near future.
And, yes, I'm definitely planning on bringing this project back for 2013, too!
Supplies (click on images for product links):