bella blvd layout | car twins

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This month I was asked to participate in one of the March inspiration challenges on the Bella Blvd. blog. The image I was asked to use was full of fruity, summer-y colors (you can see the image and the other fab DT members' posts here), and since I'm more likely to take my inspiration from color than from anything else I took that palette and ran with it.


I pulled out a bunch of scraps left from making CHA layouts with the upcoming Sunshine and Happiness collection and used them on this page about my cousin, Michelle, me, and our (almost) matching cars. You can read more on the story (and also about the birthday party that the photos were taken at) here, but the gist of it is that we both drive fun little Honda del Sols and adore them. Michelle's is her first car, and my baby blue (I jokingly refer to it as the TARDIS) is my second. I've had mine for almost 10 years, and it has over 300,000 miles on it and just keeps going. If I'm at all able, I'll keep it for another 10.  I love my car. I love not having a car payment even more.


I stitched a big sunburst on this page for no other reason than it sounded like a fun thing to do (and it was!), and then I dressed it up with some gems and my I-Rock by Imaginisce.


The new Bella Blvd. papers should be shipping soon, so keep an eye out for them in your local stores and online!
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